
Discover the best promotions and start planning your next holiday!

By the sea, by the lake or in the city… what will your next destination be?
Seize the best opportunities, choose which of the Baia Holiday structures you want to stay in and … go!

Promo Code: WWF2025
Camping Village Roma Capitol


The Camping Village Roma Capitol is pleased to offer...

Promo Code: WWF2025
Camping Village Roma Capitol

WWF Protected Areas Conference

The Camping Village Roma Capitol is pleased to offer...

Valid throughout the season

Full board offer

Enjoy a carefree holiday immersed in nature, with the...

Discount code: CET2025
Camping Village Roma Capitol

Techno 293 European Championship Convention

The Camping Village Roma Capitol is pleased to host...

Discount code: FIN2025
Camping Village Roma Capitol

FIN 2025 Convention

Baia Holiday is pleased to confirm the convention dedicated...

Discount code: SD2025

Special Sweat and Dust Festival

Sweat and Dust Country Festival in Rome 13th – 15th...

Scalapay: The holiday you love in 3 intallments without interests

Book your favorite holiday now and pay it in 3 comfortable...